gallery management

Digital toolkit to keep your sales and relations smooth and effective

Contract required before your start
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gallerist247 - contact
Work as never before

Add, share and sell artworks keeping all the details together

  • Artwork
  • Album
  • Contact
Create and share digitally signed files from computers, tablets and smartphones
Check artwork’s current status and all the whereabouts, anytime and anywhere
Look back to explore every little change made, don’t let any mistake change your selling plans
Use multiple currencies with automatic marked-data based updates and special calculator
Update all the details about artwork to know where it is and who is in charge right know
Choose and combine selected artworks in occasional compilations with special descriptions and prices

gallerist247 mobile application

  • App gallerist247 - index
  • App gallerist247 - artwork
  • App gallerist247 - search

It’s business, but it’s personal

  • Private & Ads-free
    We never track your personality or sell your data, as well as never show any advertising
  • Advanced security
    We provide multi-factor authentication, predictive activity analysis and customised access levels
  • Data residency
    We operate multiple data-centres in convenient locations and jurisdictions to storage your files
  • Frequent backups
    We maintain real-time data protection including encrypted decentralised physical storage of sensitive data

Make gallerist247 your
personal digital assistant

If you feel bigger and ready to grow, we advise you
to consider choosing